a1-cbiss Leak Detection Systems in Compliance with F-Gas Regulation

by | Mar 18, 2014 | Latest News

Under new F-Gas proposals, a calculation of CO2 equivalent emissions will determine what type of gas leak detection is required.

Sites using refrigeration now have to factor in the Global Warming Potential (GWP) of HFC’s compared to relative CO2 emissions. Sites that were before not under F-Gas regulations (had a charge of under 300kgs) are now required to have a fixed refrigerant gas leak detection system installed to comply with the new F-Gas Regulations that come into force in 2015.

If your site has a refrigeration charge, it is worth calculating the HFC emissions to see if you are now required to comply.

a1-cbiss have innovatively designed fixed refrigerant leak detection systems that have been designed with the F-Gas Regulations in mind. The leak detection systems are future –proof in that they are configurable to ensure compliance with the changing leak detection requirements of the F-Gas Regulations.

RefDetec Stand Alone Refrigerant Leak Detector
• ‘Mix & Match’ a combination of pre-calibrated CO2 & HFC sensors
• Green / Red LED display for indication of system health and alarm levels
• User defined:
– Alarms
– Outputs
– Communications
– Power supply

• Up to 2 relays and 2 analogue outputs
• Wide application use due to operating temperature versatility

“The beauty of the RefDetec is its ability to completely configure it to meet any specification where only a few points of leak detection are required”

ARMS – Automatic Refrigerant Monitoring System
• Dual-gas detection CO2, HFC’s, NH3 and HC’s
• Configurable with up to 5 alarm relay outputs to suit site specific requirements
• Unique broad range of channel options to negate requirement for multiple systems
• Instant visual indication & one touch access to current settings/status & alarm/event history
• Quickscan significantly reduces cycle time & reduced risk of missing a leak

“The ARMS is operational in 3 out of 4 of the UK’s major food retailers”