BW Solo Review

by | Mar 31, 2020 | Gas Detection, Latest News, Personal Safety

The BW Solo from Honeywell is the latest single gas detector to hit the market. The Solo is the next-generation gas detector that gives you complete confidence that it’s working correctly, and your health & safety team know exactly what’s happening in the field.

As with many industrial products, if it’s not for personal use, people are less likely to want to leave a review. So we’ve got the opinions from our own engineers who use gas detectors in the field to test the new BW Solo to see what they think.

From an engineer’s perspective…

The first noticeable thing is its size – it easily fits in your hand.  It looks really smart, and it actually has the look and feel of a high-quality detector with its black face similar to a luxury watch. BW have got the design and colour right to achieve this perception.

It has an alligator clip on the back, so it can be attached to my jacket. Because it’s so lightweight, I hardly even notice it being there. With a 6-12 month battery, I don’t have to worry about charging it at the end of my day. The only thing I need to do is pop it onto the docking station so our health and safety manager can see what’s happened out there today.

I like the self-test function on the sensor integrity, battery, circuitry and alarms. I know if that passes, it gives me the confidence that everything is working properly so I don’t have to worry about false alarms.

I certainly noticed it once the alarms sounded. You should hear that in a noisy engine room! The lights around the edge of the Solo flashed red. Plus it was vibrating too so you can’t miss it.


Dave Peters, Calibration Technician says…

The Solo is a straightforward detector to service. Both the sensor and battery can easily be replaced fairly quickly. I did this by simply removing the screw on the back of the detector to reach the battery. The calibration cap can be used to reach the sensors. In terms of maintenance, the BW Solo should be serviced every 6 months to ensure its compliant as per recommendation by BW. If you are manufacturer-trained then the unit then you can do this yourself, alternatively, we can offer this service for you.


Stu Barrowcliff, Training Manager…

Likes the one-button operation to prevent any unauthorised users from changing settings or accidentally accessing menus. The wireless capability is interesting because it can be paired with the Honeywell Device Configurator App and his phone.  This will give him remote visibility of our engineer’s safety and location which is a big tick in the box.

We’re told that the Solo uses 1-Series sensors which can last up to 5 years with a three-year warranty.  This is a big tick in the box because this dramatically reduces the cost of ownership.


Star Rating **** – That’s 4 stars (out of 5)

So there you have it, our opinion for the BW Solo gas detector by those who use gas detectors everyday to keep them safe at work.

For more information or to book a sales visit (once the travel restrictions are lifted), contact our sales team