a1-cbiss have devised a 5 step buyers guide for you to ensure that you select the right Gastec detector tubes for your application.
Gas detector tubes are one of the most popular measurement methods for gas analysis. This versatile system can be used within industry, fire service HAZMAT teams, hazardous material control in laboratories, for environmental research and numerous other applications.
For gas detecting applications in which single or less regular measurements are sufficient, Gastec detector tubes are particularly advantageous compared to electronic detection devices, as they are cheaper and easier to operate. The number of gases/vapours that can be detected is also far higher than other gas detection instruments with direct display.
There are a number of different types of Gastec detector tubes. The most popular is the direct-reading short-term tubes that provide precise measurement results directly after measurement. the main benefit of these tube types is that they don’t require laboratory tests or calibration. The results are interpreted from the scale on the tube. At present, more than 225 short-term tubes are available for the detection of up to 500 gases. See full list here
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Our full list of Gastec tubes, pumps and accessories are available to buy on our website